Mizzou girl talking about her experience during COVID

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It is my belief that the mental health of students during the COVID-19 pandemic has not gotten the proper attention. We are trying to do our part here at ASOM to remedy that. Emma Rose Ploch is a student at the University of Missouri and is founder of the Ag Advocacy page Found in the Field. Today, we spend some time talking about why she went into agriculture school and how she has found her passion for ag advocacy. We then talk to her about her unique experience as a college student during the COVID-19 pandemic and how she has had to adjust to all of the different stresses that have come her way. Find more at https://agstateofmind.com/2020/10/11/asom-ep-55-emma-rose-ploch/

ASOM - Ep 55 - Emma Rose Ploch - Found in the Field